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MTN Data Plans 2025: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

MTN Data Plans: This post shows you the new MTN data plan codes for cheap, affordable, and unlimited internet browsing.

You want to subscribe to an MTN data plan, right? Yes, be frank with me.

What about laying your hands on some cheap MTN data plans, subscribing to your preferred package, going online, and starting the process of browsing the web?

Yeah, it’s time to select your preferred out of the list of MTN data plan bundles I have given below.

Don’t Miss: Receive 500MB For N50 On MTN iPulse Right Now.

MTN Data Plans And Prices In Nigeria (New & Old)

This is the full list of mtn data plans below:

500MB + N1000 AirtimeNGN500*131*2#14days

MTN Daily Data Plans

MTN 25MB For N50

This plan gives you 25megabytes to browse for 50naira spend on airtime. You are expected to browse with caution on this MTN data plan since the bundle volume is low (avoid downloads). Dial *131*114# to subscribe. It’s valid for 24hours.

MTN 75MB For N100 Data Plan

You get 75megabytes for just 50naira to browse the internet. Dial *131*104#. This data plan is valid for 24hours.

MTN 1GB For N350

The MTN data plan is crazy, you’re given 1gigabyte to browse, chat and download your favorite stuff for just 350naira. Dial *131*155#. Last for 24hours.

MTN 200MB For N200

Surprise? Oh yeah, with 200naira airtime recharge on your line, you get 200megabytes on your MTN line and it lasts for 48hours. Dial *131*113# to subscribe to this mtn data plan.

MTN 2GB For N500

On your mtn line, make sure you have up to 500naira. Now, dial *131*154# and you will receive 2gigabytes of data instantly. It lasts for 2days.

Have You Seen How To Browse With Airtime On MTN? Learn It Now!

MTN Weekly Data Plans

This is the list of MTN data plans provided to give you decent data volumes plus 7days of internet access for a certain amount spent on airtime.

MTN 350MB For N300.

With 300naira recharged on your line, you can get up to 350megabytes by dialing the correct activation code. Dial *131*102# to buy this mtn data plan. It lasts for 7days (one week).

MTN 750MB  For N500.

First, recharge your line with 500naira. Dial *131*103# and you will be given 750megabytes mtn data to browse the internet with ease. Valid for 14days (two weeks).

MTN 500MB + N1000 Talktime For N500.

On this data plan, mtn gives you double benefits. You get 500megabytea plus extra 1000naira free airtime to make calls. Just recharge your line with 500naira or more and dial *131*2# to activate. Valid for 2weeks.

Don’t Miss: Get A Whooping 1GB For N200 On MTN Today.

MTN Monthly Data Plans

These mtn data plans gives you access to the internet for 30days or more for a particular amount spent on airtime. Take a look at the available mtn data bundles and select your preferred choice.

MTN 1.5GB For N1000

This plan gets you 1.5gigabytes for the cost of 1000naira to browse, connect, and download stuff online. Dial *131*106# to purchase this mtn data plan. Last for 30days.

MTN 2GB For N1200 Data Plan

Dial *131*130# to subscribe. Previously, MTN gives you 1.5gigabytes for 1200naira spent on airtime but right now, everything has changed. You now receive BIG Data.

MTN gives you 2gigabytes on your line for the same amount. And if you are lucky to be part of the selected customers to enjoy DOUBLE data for 6months, MTN will give you 2X in return.

(i.e you will get 2048megabytes as main mtn data plan and an extra 2048 as bonus data)Awesome right? Let’s proceed.

Note: The new changes apply to all mtn data plans. So it doesn’t matter the plan you choose, so long as it’s amongst mtn data bundles.

Enjoy Free 10GB Data: Learn How To Upgrade Your MTN SIM To 4G LTE.

MTN 3.5GB For N2000.

Once you recharge your line with 2000naira, dial *131*110# and you will get a large mtn data plan of 3.5gigabytes on your line. Valid for 30days.

MTN 6.5GB For N3500 Data Plan

You can also get 6.5gigabytes on mtn. Just make sure you have up to 350naira recharged on your line, then dial *131*107# and you will receive the mtn data plan instantly. Valid for 30days.

MTN 11GB For N5000

With 5000naira recharges on your line, you can get 11gigabytes of MTN Data bundle to browse and download your favorite stuff on the internet by dialing *131*116#. Valid for 30days.

MTN 25GB For N10000 Data Plan

MTN has all you want both BIG & Small data plans. Recharge your line with 10000naira, dial *131*117# and you will get 25gigabytes from mtn as soon as possible. Valid for 30days.

MTN 40GB For N15000

Don’t be surprised, this is what it is. As long as your mtn line is loaded with the required amount, you are qualified for this mtn data plan. Just dial *131*150# and you will receive 40gigabytes instantly.

Have You Seen The 3 Cheapest Data Plan Codes For 1k? Check it out.

MTN 2-Month Data Plans.

Mtn also offers 60days access to customers who subscribed to the  2-Month data plans. On this mtn data plan, you are given HUGE Data volumes that can’t be exhausted easily and that’s why you’re given more time.

MTN 60GB For N20000

You are expected to recharge your line with at least 20,000naira or more to partake in this mtn data plan. Dial *131*118# and you will be given 60megabytes in a few seconds. Valid For 60days.

MTN 100GB For N30000

Wow! 100gigabytes? Who is going to finish this one? This plan was packaged for Big Companies with multiple staff and employees.

Don’t take my words for this though, anyone can subscribe to this mtn data plan, as long as you have up to 30,000naira recharge on your line, then BOOM you are good to go.

Just Dial *131*138# to subscribe. Valid for 2months.

Follow Up This Code To Flash Without Airtime On MTN.

MTN 3-Month Data Plans

This mtn data plan gives BIG Data Volumes for an extended period. Every data bundle bought from this section lasts for 3months which is 90days.

MTN 120GB For N50,000

Kindly recharge your mtn line with 50,000naira via VTU (Virtual Top-Up) or other means, dial *131*133# and you will receive 120gigabytes of mtn data plans immediately. Valid for 90days.

MTN 150GB For N70,000

This mtn data plan gives 150gigabytes for 70,000naira spent on airtime. All you have to do is dial *131*133# and you are good. Lasts for 3months.

Important Note: All bonus data you are given will be available for use from 1:00AM to 7:00AM on MTN DEAL ZONE.

To know if you have an mtn data bonus, simply dial *559*63# and you will see our bonus balance details.

Don’t worry MTN will indicate if you are given a bonus on your data purchase.

You should also understand that the validity period on each mtn data plan doesn’t matter. You can exhaust your data bundle the same day you purchase it and ofcourse, resubscribe if you want to.

Amazing Offer: Get BIG Data With MTN XtraData Today.


MTN Weekend Data Plans

This one is known as the MTN Wow Weekend which gives you a decent amount of mtn data plan for money spent on airtime, to browse at weekends after so much hustle during working hours. 

500MBN200*131*113#12:00AM sat – 11:59PM sun
3.75GBN500*131*103#12:00AM sat – 11:59PM sun

This plan is only available to use from midnight on Saturday to 11:59 PM Sunday. Stay guided.

Buy 100MB For N200 And Get 500MB Free Data.

MTN made it clear that once you buy 100megabytes for 200naira using *131*113# the activation code, you will be given a 500MB free data plan just like that to be used on weekends only.

Buy 750MB For N500 And Get 3.75GB Free Data

Do you mean 500naira gives me 3.75gigabytes?

Yeah, it has been stated clearly that once you buy 750megabytes using the subscription code (*131*103#), you will be rewarded with 3.75 gigabytes of free mtn data plan.

Do You Know You Borrow Airtime On MTN With USSD Code? See How To.

MTN Night Plan Data Plans

This mtn data plan is also known as the NightLife Bundle that gives you nearly free access to the internet at midnight for a limited time.

250MBN25Open the link12:00AM – 5:00AM
500MBN5012:00AM – 5:00AM

  Right now, there are two (2) available mtn data plans, which are:

  1. 250MB For N25 and,
  2. 500MB For N50.

You don’t need much to subscribe to this mtn data plan, all you have to do is read the best guide to the mtn pulse Nightlife bundle plan. It has everything you must know, including the quick subscription codes.

MTN XtraValue Data Plan

XtraValue mtn data plan is divided into two (2):

  1. XtraTalk: gives you more airtime for the call than data.
  2. XtraData: gives you more data volume for browsing than airtime.

In this case, we’ll go for MTN XtraData Plan that gives more data. 

List Of MTN Data Plans on XtraData

  • 200MB For N300 (7days)
  • 500MB For N500
  • 1GB For N1000 (30days)
  • 3GB For N2000
  • 7.5GB For N5000
  • 17.5GB For N10000
  • 25GB For N15000
  • 35GB For N20000

To Activate MTN XtraData Plan:

  • Simply dial *131*2# and select your preferred mtn data plan.

You can alternatively subscribe by SMS:

  • Text D(amount) to 131. For example, text D1000 to 131 and you will get 1GB.

Created For You: Enjoy Special Data Bundles On mPulse.

MTN GoodyBag Data Plan

This mtn data plan is also known as the Social Bundle package that allows you to enjoy access to your favorite social media platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, 2go, Eskimi, Wechat, and Youtube at decent rates.

With a little amount of airtime recharged on your line, you get an mtn data plan for daily, weekly, and even monthly access to chat on any social media platforms of your choice.

All you need to do is recharge as low as N25, N50, and 150 on your mtn line, dial *131*3# or *662# which is this mtn data plan activation code and you’re good. 

See the list of available MTN Goodybag data plans below: 

EskimiN25ESKD 24hours

MTN BlackBerry Data Plans

In this section, I have covered all the existing MTN BB data plans. If you are a Blackberry mobile phone user, you can subscribe to one of the mtn data bundles from the list below. Android users are also allowed to subscribe. 

BB Complete Plan:

  • Get 100MB For N100. Just send BBCDAY to 21600. Valid for 1day.
  • Get 500MB For N500. Send BBCWEEK to 21600 from your Blackberry device. Valid for 7days.
  • Get 2GB For N1000. Sms BBC to 21600. Valid for 30days.

Don’t Miss This MTN Data Plan Code For 1000 Naira here…

BB Absolute Plan:

  • Buy 100MB for N100. Type BBDAY and send it to 21600. You will receive your request shortly. Valid for 24hours.
  • Buy 500MB for N550. Sms BBWEEK to 21600. Valid for 1week.
  • Buy 2GB For N1500. Sms BIS to 21600. You will get 2gigabytes on your line for 1500naira spent on airtime. Valid for 1month.

MTN BB Quarterly Data Plan

  • Get 2GB For N4000. This mtn data plan gives you 2gigabytes, all you need is to recharge your line with 4000naira and sms BBQ to 21600.

BlackBerry 10 Plan

This mtn data plan is also known as the BB10 plan that consists of Mini plans which are small bundles, Midi plans which are medium data bundles, and Maxi plans with BIG data volumes on subscription.

Take a look at the MTN BB 10 plans and make your choice:

Learn How To Send Call Me Back On MTN With Code!

BB 10 Mini

  • Get 10MB For N70. Send BBLITED to 21600. Valid for 1day.

BBlited fans where are you? Lol. I remember a few years ago when this mtn data plan was on-trend. It’s just like a free, Unlimited browsing cheat.

Once you subscribe with 70naira on your mtn line, you will be given total free access to the internet to browse and download your favorite stuff. Not like other mtn data plans that are limited.

Android users also benefited from using SimpleServer.apk but right now, everything is gone. You get what you paid for, that’s it.

  • Get 70MB For N350. Sms BBLITEW to 21600 and you will receive the said mtn data plan which is valid for 7days.
  • Get 260MB For N1000. Sms BBLITEM to 21600. Valid For 30days.

MTN BB10 Midi Data Plan

  • Get 15MB For N100. Kindly send BBMIDID to 21600. Valid for 24hours.
  • Get 125MB For N550. Sms BBMIDIW to 21600 to buy the mtn data plan. Last for 7days.
  • Get 500MB for N1500. Sms BBMIDIM to 21600. Valid for 30days.

Wait! Have You Seen The MTN 500 Naira Data Plan Code For 4GB+? Check It Out.

BB10 Maxi

  • Get 50MB For N200. Send BBMAXID to 21600. Valid for 1day.
  • Get 350MB For N1100. Sms BBMAXIW to 21600 to subscribe to this mtn data plan.

With 1100naira recharged on your mtn sim, you will get 350megabyte to browse and download your favorite stuff on your blackberry phone after a successful subscription. Valid For 1week.

  • Get 1.5GB For N3000 on MTN. Just send BBMAXIM to 21600 to activate the 1.5gb mtn data plan, make sure you have up to N3000 on your line and you are good.

See The Fastest Ways To Check Your MTN Phone Number Here…

MTN BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) Data Plan

MTN relaunched the Blackberry messenger data bundle and this time, it gives you flexible and affordable mtn data plans to chat and continue pinging on the BBM app for Android, iPhone, Nokia X smartphones, and even Blackberry mobile itself.

All you need to do is download the BBM app on your phone. It’s available on Google PlayStore, AppStore, Nokia Store, and Other sources.

(The above-mentioned are trusted and recommended. Meanwhile, you are free to download from other sources)

After downloading, relax, and select one of the MTN Blackberry Messenger data plans below:

  • Get 5MB For N25. This mtn data plan gives you 5 megabytes to use the BBM App one-day connection. Send BBMD to 21600 and you are connected.
  • Get 25MB For N100. Once you recharge your MTN line with 100naira, SMS BBMW to 21600 and you will be given 25megabytes to chat with other users on BBM for 7 days.
  • Get 100MB For N350. Sms BBMM to 21600 to purchase the 100MB mtn data plan. It’s valid For 30days.

Terms and Conditions Apply. Make sure you read the confirmation message sent to you by MTN to stay guided.

You can even get 500% of the value you recharge. See the tweet by MTN below:

mtn tweet on data plan

MTN Hourly Data Plan (Simple Surf)

It is a new browsing mtn data plan launched to offer you better deals on exploring the internet.

This is how it goes:

Just Like a Cyber Cafe where you go and ask for browsing time of which the admin or representative will offer you a login code for the exact amount of time you paid for.

In this case, the hours given are calculated by the amount of time you spent browsing online (no MTN data plan code needed), which means that; if you’re offline it’s not counted. And also, you’re given a certain period when you’ll be denied access to the internet.

For example, if I buy the 2hours mtn data plan with two (2) days validity, I may decide to start browsing tomorrow and stay online for 2hours. I may choose to browse for an hour in the morning and use the remaining 1 hour later. Meanwhile, if I failed to make use of the given access after 2days, it will be disconnected and I'll be denied my internet access.

That’s just it. Select your preferred mtn data plan from the list:

  • Buy 2hours For N250. SMS 2H to 131 to subscribe to this plan. Data is capped at 100MB Valid For 2 days.
  • Buy 20hours For N1500. SMS 20H to 131 and you will get 20 hours of internet access, valid for 7 days.
  • Buy 100hours For N5,000. SMS 100H to 131 to activate this Mtn data plan. Valid for 30 days.
  • Buy 300hours For N13,000. Sms 300H to 131 and you will be granted 300hours to browse the internet. Valid for 90 days.

Have You Seen The MTN Data Plans With Bonus? Check Them Out.

MTN StarTimes Video Streaming Pack (Data Plan)

MTN is here again with another video streaming package. This MTN data plan gives you almost unlimited access to watch live TV channels on the StarTimes App based on the time agreed with MTN.

First, make sure your phone is data enabled, download the Startimes application on your device, and select one of the mtn data plans below:

  • Buy 60Mins For N150. With 150 naira, you will be given 750MB to watch live movies on the StarTimes App for 1 hour. SMS ST1 to 131. Valid for 24hours.
  • Buy 3hours For N400. SMS ST3 to 131 and you will get 3 hours of free access to Startimes videos with a 2.25gigabytes mtn data plan. Valid for 24hours.

MTN YouTube Streaming Pack

Youtube streaming pack is an MTN data plan that allows you to watch videos based on your time agreement with MTN.

Prepaid and Postpaid customers are allowed to use the data plan, what you have to do is: Get a data-enabled device, insert your SIM Card on it, download the YouTube App, and select one of the YVS pack plans below:

  • Buy 1hour For N150. SMS VP1 to 131 to start streaming. The offer is valid for 24 hours.
  • Buy 3hours For N400. SMS VP3 to 131 to activate this mtn data plan. Valid for 24hours.
  • Buy YouTube Night Pack (N50). You are given a period of 5 hours to watch your favorite YouTube Videos from 12:00 AM to 5:00 AM midnight. SMS VP5 to 131. Valid for 24hours.
  • Buy 7hours For N200. SMS VP7 to 131 and you will be given access to YouTube Videos from 11:00 PM to 6:00 AM at midnight. Valid for 7 days.

Learn How To Load Credit Using MTN Recharge Code Here…

How To Stop MTN Data Plans Auto-Renewal

  • Sms No(Code) to 131. For example, if you want to cancel the auto-renew MTN N1000 data plan, send NO106 to 131 and you are good.

There is a quick way to do this. MTN added a new option to their data plan purchase process. They ask two (2) questions every time you buy an MTN data plan using the USSD code.

  1. Proceed (One-Off Purchase).
  2. Proceed (Auto-renew).

Just reply (1 or 2) and select One-Off Purchase and you’ve opted out successfully from MTN Autorenewal. 

See The AWOOF MTN Daily Data Plan That Gives 2GB Data or Related.

How To Check MTN Data Plan Balance And Bonuses

You must check your available MTN data bundle balance from time to time to get a good understanding of how your purchased data is doing.

You can adjust if you’re consuming too much or continue surfing.

Now, you may be wondering if there is a different way to check MTN data plan validity. The content in the above link has the answer.

How To Borrow Data On MTN

  • Simply dial *606#.borrow data on mtn

It’s really simple. Just dial the above ussd code then select the MTN XtraByte data plan.

After dialing the code, mtn will inform you whether you are eligible to borrow mtn data plans in a pop-up.

If you are eligible, select Borrow Data, and you will see the data volume you are allowed to borrow at the moment, make your choice.

The other way around, if you are not eligible, mtn will tell you what to do to be allowed next time.

Learn The Fast Code To Share Airtime On MTN

Active MTN Internet Setting To Browse With MTN Data Plans

  • SMS Settings to 3888 and follow the below guide.

Without a working internet setting on your phone, you won’t be enjoying full-speed browsing experience every time. Yes, it doesn’t matter the MTN data plan you subscribed to.

Get your data-enabled device ready and activate the APN settings on your phone right now.

  • Go to your Phone Settings. This is the first step to making mtn data plans work.
  • Enter Network & Internet Settings.
  • Select Mobile Network from your MTN SIM card.
  • Open Access Point Names (APN).

Create a New Access Point and input the following:


  • Name: NetworkPalava 1 or MTN data plan code.
  • APN:
  • Proxy:
  • Port:
  • Username:
  • Password:

Now, go to the next.


  • Name: NetworkPalava 2
  • APN:
  • Proxy:
  • Port: 8080
  • Username: web
  • Password: web


  • Name: NetworkPalava 3 (or mtn data plan)
  • APN:
  • Proxy:
  • Port: 8080
  • Username: web
  • Password: web
  • Now save.

I use the above internet setting all the time (even in bad network areas) to browse with the mtn data plan I bought. Bookmark this page to your advantage so that you can easily pick one from the list anytime you are experiencing a slow network.

Manage Your MTN Data Plans: Help It Last Longer Than Ever.

I hear individuals complain about their devices using too much data, some even blame it on MTN Nigeria (the Network Provider) which has nothing to do with your data usage or consumption.

And for this reason, I published a guide that helps you reduce data usage on your phone.

Follow the instructions carefully and next time, you may be the one teaching me how to manage my MTN data plans (lol).

Before I go, let’s talk a little about MTN Nigeria data bundles.

About MTN Data Plans Packages

MTN is one of the BIGGEST and most recognized telecommunication companies in Nigeria. This Network service provider offers quality products and services, that’s why it is this popular. And right now, it’s about MTN data plans.

It’s no doubt that browsing on mtn data bundles is awesome. Its internet speed is high, allowing you to enjoy a better browsing experience online.

And as if the internet speed isn’t enough, MTN also launched the 4G/LTE service that brings a super-fast internet connection when browsing with your registered and activated sim on a 4g-enabled device.

The Telecom Giant quality services save you more time on any MTN data plan you purchase, just like 9mobile (formerly Etisalat) which focuses on quality and customer satisfaction.

While MTN provides a better user experience on data plans, Glo Nigeria keeps dishing out cheap and big data plans for less pay just like Airtel.

MTN Nigeria recently updated its data plans and made some changes to the available plans. They increased the Data Volume at the same price (that’s awesome).

Frequently Asked Questions

How much is 20GB of data MTN?

Following the list of MTN data plans, you can buy 25GB for N10000 only.

However, the 20GB is around 80000 Naira.

How can I get 1.5 GB 300 on MTN?

Dial *121# and TopDeal4Me. From there, you’ll see the current data offer for your number.

How do I activate MTN 2GB for 500?

Simply dial *121*1# and check for the 2GB for the 500 Naira plan.

See the post about N500 for the 2GB Data Plan here

How can I get 20GB on MTN 3500?

At the moment, there’s no 20GB plan. Simply dial *131*117# to get 25GB for 10000 Naira.

Buy A Data Plan Today!

There you have it, the complete list of MTN Data Plans in Nigeria.

Now, what’s your next move pick one of the active bundles or keep staring?

Subscribe to a plan today. Bookmark this page for later use. Leave a comment below. Share this post with friends on social media using the share buttons.


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