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All United States ZIP Codes 2025: Valid 5 Digit US Postal Codes by States

Get all the valid United States ZIP Codes for the different states of America on NetworkPalava. Yes, this post uncovers the valid list of US ZIP and postal codes for New York, California, Texas, New York, Nevada, Utah, Ohio, Excel, Plus, etc… All in a numerical order to make it easier for you to find your state 5digit ZIP codes.

Are you looking for the 5-digit United States ZIP Codes by state? You will get the arranged list of valid zip codes to complete whatever task you’re working on.

Yes, there are many scenarios where you’re asked to provide your country’s Postal code. One of them is for online account registration, internet banking, mobile transfer, or even online transactions.

No worries, you’re going to find the valid ZIP codes for your state in America.

What are the ZIP Codes in the United States?

In the United States, the postal code system is referred to as a ZIP code. It is a string of numbers that conveys details about individuals throughout various geographic clusters. In the US, there are two different ZIP code schemes: ZIP and ZIP+4.

The United States Postal Service (USPS) uses US ZIP codes as a type of postal code to more effectively route mail within the country. The map above shows ZIP codes close to me. Some still use the term “US postal codes” to describe ZIP codes. Zone Improvement Plan is what the acronym ZIP stands for.

A region within that group (or sometimes a large city) is represented by the second and third numbers together in a ZIP Code, which is followed by the fourth and fifth digits, which reflect a collection of delivery addresses within that region.

All 5-Digit United States ZIP Codes: Valid by By City & State

For those who are asking for the United States ZIP codes, below are all the valid zip codes in the USA. I have arranged them in numerical order for you to easily find your State postal code.

StateUSPSZIP CodeCapital
AlabamaAL35004 to 36925Montgomery
AlaskaAK99501 to 99950Juneau
ArizonaAZ85001 to 86556Phoenix
ArkansasAR71601 to 72959Little Rock
CaliforniaCA90001 to 96162Sacramento
ColoradoCO80001 to 81658Denver
ConnecticutCT06001 to 06928Hartford
DelawareDE19701 to 19980Dover
FloridaFL32003 to 34997Tallahassee
GeorgiaGA30002 to 39901Atlanta
HawaiiHI96701 to 96898Honolulu
IdahoID83201 to 83877Boise
IllinoisIL60001 to 62999Springfield
IndianaIN46001 to 47997Indianapolis
IowaIA50001 to 52809Des Moines
KansasKS66002 to 67954Topeka
KentuckyKY40003 to 42788Frankfort
LouisianaLA70001 to 71497Baton Rouge
MaineME03901 to 04992Augusta
MarylandMD20588 to 21930Annapolis
MassachusettsMA01001 to 05544Boston
MichiganMI48001 to 49971Lansing
MinnesotaMN55001 to 56763Saint Paul
MississippiMS38601 to 39776Jackson
MissouriMO63001 to 65899Jefferson City
MontanaMT59001 to 59937Helena
NebraskaNE68001 to 69367Lincoln
NevadaNV88901 to 89883Carson City
New HampshireNH03031 to 03897Concord
New JerseyNJ07001 to 08989Trenton
New MexicoNM87001 to 88439Santa Fe
New YorkNY00501 to 14925Albany
North CarolinaNC27006 to 28909Raleigh
North DakotaND58001 to 58856Bismarck
OhioOH43001 to 45999Columbus
OklahomaOK73001 to 74966Oklahoma City
OregonOR97001 to 97920Salem
PennsylvaniaPA15001 to 19640Harrisburg
Rhode IslandRI02801 to 02940Providence
South CarolinaSC29001 to 29945Columbia
South DakotaSD57001 to 57799Pierre
TennesseeTN37010 to 38589Nashville
TexasTX73301 to 88595Austin
UtahUT84001 to 84791Salt Lake City
VermontVT05001 to 05907Montpelier
VirginiaVA20101 to 24658Richmond
WashingtonWA98001 to 99403Olympia

5-digit ZIP Codes & Historical Background | Example Of US Postal Codes

Postal district/zone numbers are where the postal code’s early history and context originated. In 1943, the United States Post Office Department (USPOD) established postal zones for a number of major cities.

For example:

Mr. Mark Sam
4367 Epiphenomenal Avenue
Minneapolis 16, Minnesota

The Types Of Postal or Zip Codes In The United States & What They Are Used For

There are four categories of ZIP Codes. See I how explained them below:

1. Unique:

This type of ZIP code is assigned to a single high-volume address

2. Post office box-only:

This one is used exclusively for PO boxes at a particular site, not for any other sort of delivery

3. Military:

This one is used to transport letters for the American military

4. Standard:

The rest of the ZIP Codes. Yes, other ZIP codes are classified as the standard ZIP codes in the United States.

Governmental organizations, educational institutions, commercial establishments, or other structures that receive a significant amount of mail to warrant the assignment of exclusive ZIP Codes to them are given Unique ZIP Codes.

ZIP+4: All United States ZIP Codes

In 1983, the United States Postal Service introduced an expanded ZIP Code system known as ZIP+4. It is also known as “plus-four codes,” “add-on codes,” or “add-ons.”

A ZIP+4 Code identifies a geographic segment within a five-digit delivery area by using the basic five-digit code plus four additional digits.

Yes, such as a city block, a cluster of apartments, a single high-volume mail receiver, a post office box. Or any other unit that could benefit from an additional identifier to aid in efficient mail sorting and delivery.

The new format was not universally adopted by the general public, and it eventually became obsolete with modern technology.

FAQs – All 5-Digit United States ZIP Codes

These are the most asked questions about ZIP codes by state and different cities in the US.

What is 5 digit US ZIP Code?

The 5-digit code known as a ZIP Code identifies a specific destination post office or mail delivery location.

For final sorting and delivery, ZIP Codes identify the location of letters.

Each ZIP Code identifies a set of postal service areas and delivery routes used by mail carriers.

Is 11111 a valid US ZIP Code?

The five-digit ZIP Code 11111 is invalid. But there are legitimate ZIP Codes that begin with 111, such as 11101, 11102, and more.

When position 28 was changed to Y, MSP examined all 5 digits. And also, determined that zip code 11111 was invalid.

What is 9 digit ZIP Code in USA?

The 9-digit ZIP Code is divided into two parts:

The destination post office or delivery area is identified by the first five digits. Specific delivery routes within delivery areas are represented by the last four digits. The USPS uses ZIP+4 codes to efficiently sort and distribute mail.

What is the richest zip code in USA?

Below is the list of zip codes in the United States of America:

  • Atherton, California (94027)
  • Boston, Massachusetts (02199)
  • Sagaponack, New York (11962)
  • Ross, California (94957)
  • Miami Beach, Florida (33109). See more here…

How do you write a US zip code?

I just explained how the United States zip code is written. So, follow the instructions and guidelines below to write a zip code in the US.

For instance, a US postal code could consist of five digits or five digits, a hyphen (dash), and then another four digits (12345-1234).

Consider both scenarios when authenticating US postal codes.

The field that can have five digits, five digits plus a dash, four digits, or nothing at all is validated by the given rule.

Have You Gotten The 5-Digit United States ZIP Codes?

The United States Postal Service (USPS) uses postal codes called ZIP codes. The fundamental format was unveiled on July 1st, 1963, and consisted of five digits.

An expanded ZIP+4 code was introduced in 1983; it had the five-digit ZIP Code, a hyphen, and four more digits that indicated a more precise location. I hope you’ve gotten the list of United States ZIP Codes by city and state as shown above.

ZIP, which stands for Zone Improvement Plan, was chosen to imply that when senders utilize the code in the postal address, the mail goes more effectively and quickly.

The USPS first registered the term ZIP Code as a service mark; this registration expired in 1997.

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