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3+ MTN Data Plan Code For 1000 naira 4GB & More…

In today’s post, I will show you the MTN data plan code for 1000 naira for 4GB (and other cheap plans), how to subscribe, and its validity.

With so much information on the Internet, it’s odd to stay cool without being informed.

And to stay updated with the latest information on your interest, you must have an active data bundle plan to browse the Internet.

Get your hands on one of the cheap data plans we’ve packaged for you below.

The MTN Data Plan Codes For 1000 Naira

Feel free to subscribe to any of the mtn data codes for 1000 below. Make sure you dial the subscription codes correctly to avoid getting errors:

1. MTN 1.5GB For 1000 Naira Code

  • Simply dial *131*106# or
  • Dial *131*1*3*1# or
  • Send 106 to 131 to activate.

This plan is officially launched by MTN Nigeria. It is listed at the top of other monthly data bundle plans.

Earlier on, the MTN data plan price was 1000naira to get 1Gigabyte (GB) data plus, 500MB to browse at midnight.

What the heck?

Isn’t it better I subscribe to the cheap MTN midnight browsing plan than stay awake to browse with such an amount?

Now, this is the major reason why I found the old plan not so cool.

But right now, MTN has changed the game. You can now get 1.5 Gigabytes for the sum of 1000 naira (I.e at the same price, no changes).

mtn data plan code for 1000 naira

The above-mentioned plan is for all mtn users and it is not limited to any specified tariff plan.

With that said, I have also included a data plan you can subscribe to for N1000 but limited to a particular tariff.

Have You Seen The MTN 1GB For N200 Data Plan? Check It Out.

And before we go to that, let me show you how to subscribe to this plan step by step.

MTN 1.5GB Data Plan Code For 1000 Naira

Follow the below steps correctly:

  • Recharge your MTN LINE with 1000 naira or more.

Make sure your line is credited with the airtime recharged.

  • Type *131# and Hit “Send”.
  • Type 1 and send it to select from the list of MTN data plans.
  • Reply ‘3’ to see monthly plans.
  • After that, Reply ‘1’ to subscribe to the 1.5GB plan.
  • Reply ‘1’ again to confirm the request. mtn data plan code for 1000 naira

And… Yeah, you’ve just subscribed. That’s the code for MTN 1000 data that gives you 1.5gigabytes.

You will receive a confirmation message on your subscription plus, your data bundle details and other important information you must know.

Enjoy 500MB For N50 On MTN NightLife Bundle Today.

2. MTN 1GB For 1000 naira – XtraData Bundle

  • Simply dial *131*2*2*3# to activate.

This plan is limited to customers who have migrated to the XtraValue tariff plan and you probably already know that it is divided into two (2):

  • XtraTalk – which gives you more airtime to call and SMS any network (including family and friends) and low data for browsing. While
  • XtraData – gives you more data volume to browse the internet and low airtime for calls/SMS.

Once you subscribe to the XtraData bundle plan (1GB for N1000), you will be automatically migrated to the XtraValue tariff to enjoy its airtime and data benefits. This mtn 1000 data plan code is kind of tricky, or what do you think? Let me hear from you in the comment section.

Don’t Miss: MTN XtraValue Offers BIG Data & Airtime Right Now.

MTN 1GB Data Plan Code For 1000 Naira

First of all, migrate to XtraValue (optional).

  • Dial *131# on your line to view the MTN data plan for Android.
  • Type 2 and send it to see XtraValue plans.
  • Reply ‘3’ to activate the 1000 naira data plan.
  • Finally, reply 1 proceed with the purchase. mtn data plan code for 1000 naira

Buy XtraData 1GB Bundle With MyMTNApp

  • Download the MyMTNApp If you don’t have it installed on your device.
  • Open the App.
  • Tap on the “Other Plans” button. mtn data plan code for 1000 naira
  • Then, Tap on “XtraValue“.
  • Tap on the “Select A Plan” button from the drop-down. mtn data plan code for 1000 naira
  • Now select your preferred plan from the list. mtn data plan code for 1000 naira

How To Check XtraData Plan Balance

  • Simply dial *559*61# or
  • Dial *556# to see data balance and bonuses.

You can also see data balance using the MyMTNApp.

mtn data plan code for 1000 naira

Still, on the matter, there are more other cheap data plans you can subscribe to at the cost of N1000 today.

Scroll down slowly as you discover more.

3. Mtn 4GB Data Plan Code For 1000 Naira

  • Simply dial *131*65# or
  • Dial *131*103# or
  • Send 103 to 131 to activate this plan.

Dawn! This plan is crazy.

A whooping 4gigabytes (approximately 4000 megabytes) for just N1000 on MTN.

It is known as the MTN Deal Zone where you get a huge amount of data at a low cost. Imagine you’re getting MTN data plan 1000 for 4GB, it is possible?

Yes, it has been tested and confirmed to work on all devices. See the screenshot below for proof:

mtn data plan code for 1000 naira

Currently, they’ve got three (3) active plans for you which include:

  1. 250megabytes (MB) for N100
  2. 1gigabytes (GB) for N200 and
  3. 4gigabytes (GB) for N1000.

And since you are looking for MTN 1000 naira data codes, I recommend you subscribe to this plan coz it’s cheap and affordable.

Have You Subscribed To MTN Pulse Cheap Data Plans

How To Subscribe To MTN 4GB For N1000

  • Simply dial *131*65# and
  • Reply ‘3’ to activate the plan.

Meanwhile, if you’re new to this plan, follow the below steps to get 4GB data right now:

Migrate to MTN Pulse (optional), if you’re not yet on iPulse.

  • Send DOUBLE to 131
  • SMS PROMO to 131
  • Send FREE to 131 to get your line activated for this offer.

After sending the above codes to mtn, you should receive a message like the below:

mtn data plan code for 1000 naira

This simply means that you are eligible for the MTN Deal Zone Plan.

  • Now recharge your line with 1000 naira or more and dial the above codes to activate the plan.

Validity: Deal Zone data plan lasts for 30days from the subscription date.

SURPRISE FOR YOU: The Full List Of MTN Data Plans In Nigeria. (Best & Cheapest)

How To Buy MTN N1000 Data Plans Online

  • First, go to
  • Scroll down slowly to see possible plans.
  • Now tap on Monthly plans Under 1.5GB, N1000 30days plan, select “Buy with Airtime” or “Buy with Card”. mtn data plan code for 1000 naira

Note: Airtime means to purchase a data plan with your account balance as you already know. While Card means to buy data with your ATM (Automated Teller Machine) details online.

  • Select any one you prefer.
  • And proceed with your purchase.

Whichever method you choose, 1000 naira will be deducted from your account and you will receive your data.

Don’t Have Money To Buy Data? See The 3+ Fastest Ways To Borrow Airtime On MTN.

How To Buy N1000 Data Plan With MyMTNApp

  • Download the MyMTNApp if you don’t have it installed on your device.
  • Open the App.
  • From the menu below, tap on ” Bundles”.
  • On the next screen, tap on “Data Plans”. mtn data plan code for 1000 naira

You can see XtraData 1000 Monthly Bundle that gives 1GB data and N2000 TalkTime, Valid for 30days.

You may subscribe to the plan if you want or just go for MTN Default plans following my steps.

  • Now, slide to the “Monthly” tab at the top. mtn data plan code for 1000 naira
  • Select “MTN 1000 naira plan” right there.

Free Guide: Use This MTN Recharge Code To Load Card On Your Line Today.

Code To Check MTN 1000 Data Plan Balance

After subscribing to a data plan of your choice, you may want to check your data balance.

You see it’s not about buying a bundle plan, it’s more about monitoring it, make sure it isn’t exhausting so fast to enjoy the value of your money spent.

After checking your balance details, you may now report common issues you are facing or confidently browse the internet without worries.


I have given you the working mtn data plan codes for 1000 naira to subscribe to. And for better understanding, I made a short video for you to buy your preferred plan below:

Out of all, I know you have a preferred plan. Is it the mtn 1GB, 1.5GB, or 4GB data plan?

What are you waiting for?

Go, be the first to purchase the plan before anyone else.

Peace ✌️ Out.


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