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Home » Cheap Data Plans » 7+ Airtel 500 Naira Data Plan: 6GB, 4GB, 2GB (Cheapest 2025)

7+ Airtel 500 Naira Data Plan: 6GB, 4GB, 2GB (Cheapest 2025)

This post is about the Airtel 500 naira data plan codes plus other cheap and AMAZING data plans you may like.

Airtel is amongst the top telecommunications company in Nigeria and you will agree with me that they’ve got cheap data plans for you as a customer.

And today, I will show you the Airtel 500 naira data plan code to simply subscribe to right now.

There are different ways to subscribe to Airtel 500 naira monthly subscriptions. And, as it stands, the data volume differs but the purchase amount remains the same.

I recently heard of the Airtel 500 for 1.5GB code, and yes, it works great (scroll down to No 4 to see the activation code).

Keep calm and discover the list of Airtel data plan you can subscribe to at N500.

Working Airtel 500 Naira Data Plan Code in Nigeria

 N500 6GB *482*2# 28days
 N500 2GB *141*5# 1day
 N500 1GB *315*2# Night
 N500 750MB *418# 14days
 N500 500MB *473# Loading…
 N500 Unlimited For 6hours *481*1# 6hrs
 N500 Unlimited For 60minutes *439*4# 600min
 N500 2.2GB *141*500# Loading…

It is not just one. There are different data plans you can subscribe to, for the said amount. Lay your hands on any of the below plans:

1. Airtel 500 For 6GB Code

Haven’t you heard of this plan?
It is called the Airtel 2G Internet Pack, meaning it works only with 2G-enabled devices.

airtel 500 naira data plan codes

Your device must have a 2G Network signal in it to browse with the data bonus given on this plan.

Airtel 2G Internet Pack is divided into two:

  1. You get 2GB for N200.
  2. Also, 6GB for N500.

What If My Device Is On 3G or 4G Currently?

That’s not a problem. Kindly follow the below steps to start browsing on your device:

  • Go to Settings.
  • Tap on More…
  • …Tap on Cellular Network.
  • Now on your preferred SIM Tab, …
  • …Tap on the Preferred Network type and Select 2G.
  • You are good.

You can get your hands on these plans if you require the airtel subscription code for 200naira.

To subscribe to this plan, dial the following code.

  • Simply dial *482*2# to get your huge data benefits. airtel 6gb for 500 naira data plan

Hey! Airtel Have Got Unlimited Data Plans For N100 Only.

2. Airtel 2GB For N500: Airtel 500 Naira Data Plan

This plan is known as the Airtel Binge data plan that offers you heavy data bundles to satisfy your data needs.

You are allowed to download your favorite movies, watch series, or even stream videos online on this plan.

Based on research, it was found that this plan expires after two (2) weeks of subscription. That is to say, it’s the airtel 500 for 2GB for 14 days plan.

All good as long as it satisfies your taste.

This cheap data plan is also divided into two (2), which are:

  1. N350 plan and
  2. N500 plan.

The 350 naira plan gives 1GB while the N500 plan gives you a 2GB data volume valid for a day.

To subscribe to the 500 naira plan,

  • Simply dial *141*5# or airtel 2gb for N500 data plan
  • Dial *141# and select Binge Plans or
  • Dial *141*504#

Don’t Miss: 5+ 9mobile Cheapest Data Plans For N200 Only

3. Airtel 1GB for 500 Naira Data Plan

With Airtel smartTRYBE tariff plan, you are allowed to enjoy a huge data value of 1gigabyte for the cost of N500.

SmartTrybe is a plan specially launched for Airtel users, allowing you to enjoy cheap data plans and low call rates.

See the Airtel SmartTrybe Midnight Browsing Plan (Get Up to 1GB data value).

To take part in this awoof data, you must be migrated to the Airtel smarttrybe tariff.

And to subscribe, apply the short subscription code given below.

  • Simply dial *315*2# to activate. airtel 1gb for 500 naira data plan

Amazing Offer: Get 1GB For N200 On MTN Right Now.

4. Airtel 750MB for N500 – Airtel 1.5GB For 500 Code

This is the Airtel Easy Plan that gives you good data value for 500box.

The “Easy Plan” is just another data bundle for you to browse the internet in high-speed network service.

With this plan, you can browse 24/7 hours for 14 days without interruption.

To subscribe to this plan, see the code below:

  • Dial *418# to activate. airtel 1.5gb for 500 naira data plan

Are You Using The Latest Free Browsing Cheat On Airtel?

Here is how it goes:
Normally the plan is designed to offer you 750MB on your purchase but to make it more valuable, airtel has extended the bundle and made it DOUBLE.

This means that instead of getting the normal 750MB for N500, you’ll be given 1.5GB to browse the internet and download your favorite stuff.

But sadly, not everyone is eligible for this plan. It’s limited to some selected customers and here is how to check eligibility before subscribing to this cheap data plan:

  • Simply dial *418# on your phone with a 0.0k account balance. airtel 1.5g for N500 data plan

You will receive a message like; you have insufficient account balance for the transaction, followed by your eligible status.

(The message may be in a different form)

Are you eligible? Yes ?.

Now you can make use of the airtel double data code for 500 to subscribe to this plan. Proceed to buy your preferred plan using the short USSD code above.

If you are also asking for the Airtel 14 days 500 naira code, this is for you.

The plan is valid for 14days (2weeks).

Just For You: Simple Code To Browse With Airtime On Airtel.

5. Airtel 500 Naira Weekend Data Plan

  • Simply dial *473# to activate this plan.

It is one of the weekends plans officially launched by airtel.

Hmm… After so much work and hustle during the week, this telecom giant now provides an affordable data plan for you to browse from midnight on Saturday to 11:59 PM on Sunday without worries.

You are getting 500megabyte for N500 airtime recharged. Now, you can proceed to discover a more mind-blowing Airtel data plan for 500 Naira below.

Have You Used The Simple Airtel Recharge Code To Load Credit Ever?

6. Airtel Hourly Plan (N500 for 6Hours)

  • Simply dial *481*1# to subscribe to this plan. airtel hourly unlimited 500 naira data plan

Have you heard of the hourly plan on Airtel?

It is very much related to how you buy time from Cyber cafes just to browse the internet based on your agreement with the administrator.

You browse for a complete six (6) hours without interruption.

That’s what Airtel has brought to you.
You can now browse on your Mobile Phone or Personal Computer (PC) in your comfort zone based on the time agreed with Airtel Nigeria.

Don’t Miss: Free 6GB Data On Glo Yakata.

7. Airtel Unlimited Browsing Plan For N500 (Time-based 60)

  • Simply dial *439*4# to subscribe. airtel unlimted 500 naira data plan time-based 60

The plan is related to the aforementioned.
Once you dial the subscription code with 500naira recharged on your line, you will be given 60minutes to browse unlimited with no data restriction.

Now, this is where the 4G/LTE comes.
3G/H+ is good network coverage for browsing but you will enjoy 4G/5G speed better on this plan.

Have You Seen The Best Airtel 4G Data Plans And How To Activate 4G/LTE on your line?

8. Airtel 2.2GB For N500 – Naira Data Plan Code

This is the Airtel Triple Data Surf where you get three times (3X) your purchased data bundles.

For example, if you subscribe to a 500 Naira plan for 750MB, it will be multiplied by 3 which is equal to 2.2gigabytes (750MB X 3 = 2.2GB).

Follow the below steps correctly to activate your SIM:

  1. Buy a New SIM Card.
  2. Then, send GET to 141.
  3. Also, Send MIFI to 141 via Text Message.

You should receive a message telling you if you’re eligible or not.

Eligible right? Yeah.

Go, buy the 500naira data bundle plan by:

  • Dialing *141*500# and you are good. airtel 2.2GB for 500 naira data plan

After selecting your favorite out of all Airtel 500 naira plans I have listed, you may be interested in other plans related to the aforementioned.

Don’t Miss: 3+ Best Airtel Data Plans To Get 4.5GB For N1000.

Best & Cheapest Data Plans On MTN, Airtel, Glo, 9mobile.

While you’re thinking of buying a new data plan from your network provider, I don’t think it’s necessary to spend MUCH on data plans that can be bought at a very cheaper rate.

Yes, in the list I will reveal to you shortly, you’ll see the available list of cheap data plans on the four (4) popular networks in Nigeria.

Have a look below:

Learn more about the Networkpalava Cheap Data Plans.

It’s very easy to buy a data bundle from the list above. Just follow the simple instructions, it’s for real.

Airtel Data Plans Below 500 Naira

I know the said plan is half of the airtel 1000 monthly data plan for Android, of course, you are likely to subscribe to a weekly plan at times.

But what will you do in a case whereby you need to check something online and short of airtime to buy your normal bundle plan?

Of course, you don’t want to spend much on data. (The Airtel 500 Naira data plans in this post is not that expensive though)

Get your hands on cheaper plans below N500:

Airtel 600MB For N300

airtel 500 naira data plan codes
  • Simply dial *688*1# or
  • Dial *885*1# to activate this plan.

This is a cheap data plan that allows you to get 600megabytes at the cost of 300naira to browse on your favorite social media platforms and Two (2) selected browser.

They include:

  • Opera Mini
  • UC Browser
  • Facebook
  • WhatsApp
  • Twitter
  • And more…

Valid for 25days.

Get DOUBLE Data On Airtel SmartConnect Today!

Airtel 300MB (Now 350MB) For N300

airtel 500 naira data plan codes
  • Simply dial *141*300# to activate this plan.

This is one of the Airtel weekly plans that give you 350megabyte to browse, chat, and connect with friends online with just 300naira.

Airtel 200MB For 200naira

  • Simply dial *141*200# to activate the plan.

This is just another cheap data plan Airtel Nigeria has provided.

With 200naira, you will get 200megabytes (MB) to browse the internet for 24hours.
Watch closely, this plan is very much similar to the one I mentioned earlier in this article.

You are getting a data volume of the exact airtime amount you paid (300MB/naira).

If you are looking for an airtel monthly subscription for N200, this plan is a good fit for you.

Don’t Miss: The Super Fast Method To Transfer Airtime On Airtel.

Airtel 75MB For N100

By dialing *141*100#, you will be given 200megabytes to browse the Internet for just 100naira.

Valid for 24hours.

Hey! Don’t Miss The Cheapest Airtel Data Plans That Last For 1 Month.

Airtel 25MB For N100 (5-Star Pack)

airtel 500 naira data plan codes
  • Simply dial *401# to activate this plan.

This is the 5-Star Pack where you are allowed to enjoy your purchase data bundle for a longer period.

The normal airtel daily plan lasts for 1day but this plan lasts for 5days. (5X better)

So you have more time to browse, right?
Not so fast.

This plan allows only 5MB daily usage for the given validity period.

So this brought me to the conclusion that the data is more beneficial and may last longer if only you browse on smaller devices (like java, Symbian mobile phones, and others) and avoid downloading stuff on the internet.

See 7 Quick Ways To Contact Airtel Customer Care.

Airtel 20MB For N50

airtel 500 naira data plan codes
  • Simply dial *141*50# to activate this plan.

With 50naira, you will get 20megabytes to browse for 24 hours (which is 1day).

Don’t Miss The Airtel Family And Friends Code That Helps You Save Money on Airtime.

Airtel 160MB For Free

This is the airtel Free Surf Plan.

Wait, did I just say; plan?

You get the free 160megabyte (MB) to browse certain websites after your existing data bundle is exhausted.

Airtel won’t give you such an amount of data just like that. (Free stuff is given for a reason)

You must have seen something like:

  • 3GB+Free Surf (160MB)
  • 3GB+No Bundle, No browsing (NoPAYG) or
  • 3GB+PAYG

When trying to buy a data plan.

The free surf in this case applies and can be usable only after you have used up your active data bundle.

To activate Free Surf on your line:

  • Simply dial *400# and you are good.

Airtel Data Plan Codes Above 500 Naira

In this section, I have listed data plans that are higher than the said amount of data plans in this article.

Select one of them below:

Airtel 1.5GB For N1000

airtel 500 naira data plan codes
  • Simply dial *496# to activate this plan.

This is one of the Airtel monthly plans where you are allowed to pay less for a higher data bundle volume.

Right here you are given 1.5 gigabytes to browse the internet and connect with people online.

Valid for 30 days.

See 3+ Cheap Airtel Android Data Plans For 1000 Naira.

Airtel 3.5GB For N2000

  • Simply dial *437# to activate.

On this plan, you will get 3.5gigabytes for 2000naira to stay connected online, stream live videos, play online games, download your favorite stuff, and many more.

The Popular Way To Buy Airtel N500 Data Plan

Let me show you how to buy the 500naira data bundle step-by-step. Kindly follow the below procedures to stay guided:

  • Simply dial *141# to see Airtel data Bundle Menu.
  • Type 2 And hit “SEND”.
  • Reply 1 to select Daily/Weekly Plans.
  • Reply 5 to buy 750MB for N500, 14days Plan.

Now proceed.

  • Reply 1 to continue browsing with your airtime after your data is exhausted (PAYG) or continue with the 160MB free Surf data.
  • Reply 2 to stop data connection once data is exhausted.
  • You can as well reply 7 to buy the 2GB data plan for N500, valid for 24hours (1day).
  • Then reply 1 or 2 to select your preferred choice.

You’ve just purchased the 500naira data plan the normal way

Did You Miss The Airtel Smart Connect Bonus Data Codes? Check Them Out.

How To Check The 500 Naira Data Plan On Airtel

At this point, I believe you must have subscribed to your preferred data bundle plan out of all the daily, weekly, and monthly plans I have listed above.

Now, how will you know the amount of data were given?

Is it exactly what you paid for? Is the data exhausting so fast?


If you are looking for Airtel 500 naira monthly subscription plan to opt-in, I believe this guide helps relieve the stress of searching further.

And with the Airtel 500 naira data plan codes I have given above, you should quickly subscribe to one and start flexing your data.


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